First Presbyterian Church of Kasson has always taken pride in our mission work. For years we have partnered with Kasson SEMCAC in their “adopt a family” program at Christmas time. We also support SEMCAC’s Care and Share program that helps many shut-ins in our area.
In March we donate food and money to SEMCAC for Food Share Month. Dorothy Day House in Rochester is another mission we donate to. We collect soap, shampoo, and lotion for the residents.
We donate pies to the “Faith in Action” fundraiser. One Great Hour of Sharing is a Presbytery fundraiser at Easter.
We fill fish shaped boxes with donations that we send to the presbytery.
A local mission we support is to the K-M High School Komet Pantry. The pantry is a supply closet that high school students can access for needed supplies.
We deliver with Meals on Wheels every six weeks to families in the Kasson-Mantorville area.
Dorothy Day Hospitality House in Rochester
Faith in Action
Meals on Wheels
K-M High School Komet Pantry
One Great Hour of Sharing